Friday, February 09, 2007

Just Yell Fire

I wasn't feeling so good today and didn't want to knit or do much of anything. So I did the not so normal for me, I turned on the TV. The first thing I saw was soaps. LOL, nothing against those who watch those, but I am just not a soaps type of person. So channel changing starts and I hit the Montel Show. Well, this is much better, but I start to head on any way but he caught my attention. So I stopped and watched. This portion of his show was with a couple of young ladies who put together the video, "Just Yell Fire".

Just yell fire is a tool for young women to help them against predators. I hear them say that this video tool is available for download on the Internet so I decided to get back on the computer to check it out. I watched the behind the scenes video and decided this was something I wouldn't mind posting about on my blog.

Do you have a daughter, a niece, a friends daughter, or even just a neighbors, yes, then send them to check out "Just Yell Fire". You may just save a child's life by doing so. These young people have put together a tool to help stop the predation of our young and they offer it up to anyone who cares to view it. The tools they offer for easy learning are what could help a young lady (or even an old lady), protect themselves.

Go check it out: Just Yell Fire or send your friends to it, you could just be helping the one who needs you.


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