Saturday, June 21, 2008

Knitting Machine Helps

So you got a knitting machine and now you are lost.  I have been there for several months.  I am learning but the process is so slow.  I have said before and will say again, I am not machine compliant.  So it is a hard long crawl down the path to machine knitting.

So towards the effort to learn I have purchase what VHS tapes and DVDs that I can to help me learn.  Most of those are even so confusing so I haven't bothered with them much.  It seems that most of them "assume" that you and your machine are already really friendly with each other and therefore what they have to say is only the next stage of learning.

So what about us who haven't hit that stage of even understanding the machine.  Are we to be left in the dust and at that point of "oh how I would love to throw this thing against the wall or out the window".  No I am if nothing but stubborn.  Mom and dad said I really was the most stubborn child they had, and they were parents to five of us.

So I plod along and I learn a bit here and a bit there.  This is nothing like all my other crafting.  I have had more mistakes and mess ups then in all the others put together.  

Then I did something I had been meaning to do for a while.  I bought another set of DVDs.  Well, first I saw a few little online videos made by the owner of a yahoo group that I joined.  She has posted a few for people to watch and they were quite excellent.  Makes you jump the bumps and sends you far ahead of the place you were stuck.  

So I finally stopped buying other things for these machines, and purchase these DVDs.  So here is a heads up.  These DVDs have very nice close ups of the techniques being taught.  They show quite well what you need to see to do the various things that you thought you would never understand.  So easy to follow and a great help with the "see it done".  I have never had to have that I need to see it before, but this machine thing is driving me crazy.

So the link to the DVDs:  Hobby Knitter.  I bought the three set and you do save some buy purchasing them all.

Disk I:
Making a Cast On Comb
Threaded Rod
Holding yarn for Tension
Closed Casting on with WY
Casting on Different Ways
Starting out with WY and having Live Stitches
Latchtool Bind Off
Mock Rib
Latch Tool Ribbing
Dropped Stitch
Worm Trim
Pie Crust Trim
Garter St on ends to stop curling
Short Rowing
SAYG (Sew As You Go)
Baby Hat - Pink - Including Picot Hem
Gathering Bind Off & Sewing up a Seam
Baby Hat - Blue
Converting a Hand Knit pattern to Machine Knit
Understanding A Pattern

Disk II:
Basic Cable
Plaited Cable
Reverse or Horseshoe Cable
Wavy Cable
Fair Isle
Understanding Symbols

Disk III:
Butterfly Lace
Diamond Lace
Horizontal Zig Zag Lace
Fish Tail Lace
Candle Lace
Apple Leaf Lace

I have not viewed the disks two and three but soon.  I am still going through the first one.  I have bounced around picking up things I just have to know.


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