I needed some chunky yarns so I decided to do some shopping yesterday. I had planned to go to Medford with my sister and my hubby. Turns out my hubby decided not to go as he was on call Saturday and that only left Sunday for him to do things he wanted to get done. So it came down to just me and my sister.
Then I remembered that Lion Brand Homespun is a chunky yarn, and that I also have Phentex Chunky. I have lots of colors in each of these yarns. I hadn't even thought of these yarns being chunky till I was checking out yarns on the lion brand site as to the sizes.
So that left me with only needing to get some super chunky yarn. I only found the Lion Brand Wool Ease in the super chunky I am not real sure of working with this wool yarn but I will give it a go. Michael's had a sale so that I got two skeins for $9 instead of the $11.98 they were. Not much of a savings if you are only buying a couple but since I got nine skeins I saved $8.94.
We went on to check out Craftware House, and also JoAnn's but I didn't get any yarn at them. There wasn't any yarn in the super bulky at Craftware House and JoAnn's only had the same yarn I got at Michaels only not on sale. At Craftware House I did get a couple of those clover yarn cutters, you know the metal kind with the blade inside of the cutter. I got them on a clearance from there. I also picked up some slanted yarn needles.
We had a great discovery at JoAnn's, not that we bought anything. The discovery is that the little tiny yarn section that our JoAnn's has always had, has turned into a huge yarn section. Before there was one tiny section at the back of the store with a little bit of yarn. Then there was a few bins from time to time with speciality yarns. Now they have rearranged the whole store (again), and they have three isle's filled with yarns. One more place to go spend our money. I at least got a chance to check out several yarns that I have only seen on the internet and touch them. Now I have a better idea of what these yarns are like. I will say this though, these yarns are much cheaper at
Smileys Internet Sale. Granted you do have to buy more at once and you do have shipping, but we do shared buys and spread the cost so that we don't have that too large a sale per person.
We finished up by going to one store where we usually shop for groceries. We didn't need much so I only expected to be there a tiny bit but when getting in the store I found this and that and this other thing. So as usual I spent more then I planned, but you know this was a 40++ mile one way drive, so make the best use of this extra trip.
Recently I picked up some yarn at a local second hand store. I have started using some of this yarn for hats for local kids who need them. I had never heard of this yarn before but since it was nice feeling, the skeins are brand new and the price was $0.75 a skein, I bought a bunch of it. All of it is variegated and there are colors I can use for boys and girls. The name on the label is Fan-Fare Knitting Worsted Weight by Valiant. They are 3oz skeins of 100% Orlon**Acrylic yarn. Oh is this soft and does it work up wonderfully. It is a machine washable yarn so that won't be a problem for the hats. I actually spent $40 when I bought this yarn but I also got some rug yarn by Aunt Lydia and some by Caron. The rug yarn I plan to put together with some other colors of rug yarn I have and do some locker hooking with it on a bunch of burlap the hubby brought me.
Well that is about all for now. I am suffering from the time change. I have one of those systems that says this is your hours for sleeping and that needs to always be the same. I am working to force myself to stay up longer at night to make myself not be up in the dark of the morning but it is not easy. I started a night before the time change to get a head start on this. So there has now been a couple of days of lack of sleep. I hope to be adjusted by the end of the week. Last year was bad as it took me a month to force my body to accept the new schedule. Darn standard and daylight savings time anyway. Why can't they let what is be and quit fooling around.