Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Homespun Hat and Rolled Neck cuff

The hat is done in homespun and is for the hubby. The rolled cuff is also his.

The hat is another double knitted and the cuff is just a tube that is not gathered.

Front of hat.

Back of hat.

Cuff for neck rolled.

Cuff unrolled.

Back of cuff for neck unrolled.


Light and Lofty Hat

Double knitted hat (doubled thickness) with Red Heart Light and Lofty yarn.

Front view
Side View
Back view.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Single strand of worsted on large gauged loom

This is a 36" S loom from CinDWood Crafts. I have on it a piece being done in one strand of red heart worsted weight yarn. These pictures are to show you that this makes a very nice piece.

Stetching the piece.

Out the bottom of the loom.

Weave stretched.

See how close the stitches look.

Here is a close up of the weave stretched and you can see the bottom edge.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My tree is no more

Remember the photo I posted of a bunch of trees where I said the one in a corner was the blue spruce at the corner of the house. Well, here is a cut version of that tree.

Now here are a couple of pictures of that tree after the very high winds we had today. Bummer, she decided to lay down.

Here you can see that she barely missed the trash can, and that black thing at the top of the phot is our composter, missed that also. My hose is wrapped in roots, and that upside down container is my hubbies mix his dirt for his bonsi's thingy. He does all this sift and sift and sift some more till the mix is so fine and just right for his plants. That thing off to the side is an old piece of large sewer piping. It has been cut for placement around my rose bush to protect it from the wild lawn mower. Wow, I think it needs to be painted again.
Look the roots are all broken and ripped from the ground. What a sad affair. These trees are so slow growing and this one has been around for a while. I will miss it.

We really did luck out though. If she had gone down in the other direction she might have taken out the power lines and the cable lines. When she was planted there was no way she could have done that. Then the stupid power company came along and moved the lines right next to her. Well, that's one less thing to worry about.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

60" S loom afghan

The afghan I am working on for my son. He has five different colors that he choose himself. Plus the order of the colors if of his choice also.

Not all of the color stripes are going to be the same. The rows vary by some small degree. Some are to be 10 rows, some 12 and one of the colors will be a little 9 row.
(you can see the bottom edge of my hair, yes that color is natural, sorry I always get asked that question)

That basket I have there is a larger version of the little craft ones you see in stores. The large 60" S loom sits quite nicely in this one. I don't keep it in a bag as I don't plan to carry this one along anywhere.

As you can see I have just started on the first repeat of the colors. I have a long way to go.

This afghan is being done in red heart yarn, with two strands held together in the stockinette stitch. It is very thick and the weave is very tight.

Not such a good close up but I think you might be able to see the thickness of the piece. You can also see there is no loose strands at the beginning edge. I used the long tail cast on for this one and there is a very nice edge across the bottom.

(The loom was purchased from CinDWood Crafts {link on the sidebar} and is one of three sizes she makes, has nylon pegs, with heads much like the ones on the knifty knitters. It is a very compact loom that can make a very large one piece project. As the title says this is the 60" S loom, but I also have the 36" and the 48" looms)


Saturday, December 09, 2006

More camera play

My hubby and his mittens kicking it in his chair in front of the tv.

Mittens for Bart, my co-worker.

Koi and goldfish.

More koi and goldfish.

That big boy just wouldn't hold still for me.

Last flower of the season for this minuture rose plant. I was really shocked to see it still looking pretty good after a couple of frozen nights.


Simply camera play

I got my new camera and it has been fun playing with it. I have taken all kinds of pictures in just play to see how it would do. It's not bad for a cheap little camera.

See this tree. Well, I am holding the camera at ground level. I have to tilt a lot to get even close to the top of the tree. Oh yes it is a big tree but it is still a baby. It is only 22 but has reached about 60-70 feet at this time. I will never get to see it's full growth, if it manages to make it to full growth. This little guy can grow to be 300+ feet, but that will take more years then I will be around. She is a beauty though. Her sister (which is right on her other side so you cannot see her), is just slightly shorter but had a girth around that is a bit fuller then this one.

Oh you should see these in the wind. Oh what a lovely dance the branches do. So soft and graceful they move up and down. I love watching her move.

Here is another picture of the same tree. You can see her sister standing beside her. I had to go to the back yard and take this picture over the top of the house. Yes that is the roof of the house at the bottomof the picture. LOL, you can see a couple of my antennas attached to the house. These are CB and scanner (police/fire/medical/business scanner is what I have).

Anyway, see how one sister is taller then the other. They were planted at the same time and were the same in height, but that has changed over the years.

These guys are on one side of the yard. To the left side of the picture you can see the Blue Spruce that is at the edge of the driveway/carport area.

I caught this one morning and had to have a picture for my desktop. It is a really neat moon showing in the morning covered with fog and mist.

The trees in this picture you cannot see so well but they are at the back corner of the property. No not the same as any of the trees in the other pictures.

I really need to get some more pictures of other trees in the yard. I cannot remember just how many we have now. We have lost a few and planted a few, but it was somewhere around 100.


Fingerless mitten slanted knit stitch

The loom has been wrapped and worked off for the first row of the thumb. Now I am ready to start back but to prevent that funky slanted stitch, I am going to do a knit stitch, only it is going to be a twisted knitted stitch as you will see. See where the yarn is at the last peg I knitted. I will be starting with that peg.

Here you see the starting of the wrap. The working yarn is above the stitch on the peg.

Pull the working yarn down through the stitch to form a large loop to grab and hold. Now lift the stitch off the peg. *seen in next photo

Here the stitch has been made and lifted off the peg. As it is being held if it was to be put back on the loom as is, it would be a knit stitch. We are going to make it a twisted knit stitch.

See how I am laying the stitch over on it's side. You want to cause a little twist in the stitch to match the slant of the previous rows stitch slants. So what you have to do is lay that stitch on it's side and place the back side of the knitted stitch on the peg. This forms that little slant just like an ewrapped stitch going in the clockwise direction around the loom.

If you normally knit counterclockwise around the loom you will want to do a different twist to get the same slant. The reason I developed this method for my flat row portion of the mitten was so not to have two angles to my stitches.

Sorry the pictures are not the greatest. It is hard to hold a loom and take pictures at the same time. I did use a tripod but even that is not easy. I did the best I could so I hope you are able to understand.
